Fundraiser for Parrots
The Parrot Resource Centre opened its virtual doors in early 2012, and I was honoured to be asked to become one of the Directors. Since then, PRC has helped numerous birds through fundraising, as well as holding educational events.
I approached my fellow board members in January, 2013, suggesting that we hold a fundraiser for parrots. I recommended that we team up with Greyhaven Exotic Bird Sanctuary, a local organization with similar principals as ours, as well as an active foster and adoption program for birds needing new homes. They agreed, and I presented my idea to Catherine Gwyer (Greyhaven’s fundraising facilitator) and the Greyhaven volunteer team in February. Wanting to move beyond the typical “pub night” fundraiser, the idea fit in with their fundraising goals and the two organizations began the planning the event together, to be held May 24, 2013 in New Westminster, BC.
A closer look:
Design notes: with a Hypnotist and a Magician selected as entertainment and a heritage cabaret-style theatre selected as the venue, a loose Vaudeville theme was used in all marketing collateral.
Itmes created: Save the Date invitation, event posters in multiple sizes, sponsorship promo material, sponsor posters, facebook ad, event program and even a photo-shoot with the Hypnotist to create more promo posters
- I donated all design work
- A Hypnotist and a Magician were selected to be the night’s entertainment
- The venue was a heritage cabaret-style theatre
- Posters were put up all across the Lower Mainland
- Press Releases were written and submitted to a number of newspapers and online event blogs, as well as promoted on Facebook
- Major and Mini Sponsors were acquired, including a Venue Sponsor, who paid for the space at the Columbia Theatre
- Over 130 items were obtained from local and national businesses as Silent Auction items
- The event made the front page of the local newspaper and mentioned on a local radio station
- Ultimately, 100+ people attended the event
- Over $10,000 was raised, covering all expenses
- Over $8000 was ultimately split evenly between the two organizations
- People commented how well organized and how much fun the event was!

Volunteer Projects