Crazy Bird Ladies
CBL was created by Bev Penny in 2012, whose mission was to raise money to help parrots in crisis when no other resource was available. Since then, over $16,000 has been raised and donated towards the birds’ care and rescue.
One of the keys to CBL’s success is its feeling of community. The spirit of CBL is one of doing whatever we can to help birds (whether financially or through knowledge sharing or simply support) and having fun doing so!
There are five Founding Admins in CBL, and I am proud to be one of them.
As a CBL Admin, I:
- Designed T-shirts which have been used to raise funds for individual birds in CBL’s care.
- Help manage the online auctions and facebook group.
- Create banners for the group highlighting birds we have helped.
- Designed calendars which CBL sold, featuring 12 of the birds we’ve been able to help that year. The calendars are a great success and the members love them.

Volunteer Projects