The Milk Pipes

An energetic Alt Country band, I prepared their first and second CD packages. They are a lot of fun to work with, and this allows for enjoyable and somewhat tongue-in-cheek design projects.

“On Golden Bond” was a play on Gold Bond medicated powder, which was used as inspiration for the CD design. Originally, a booklet was to be included in the package; however, budget restraints precluded this and the CD became a simple digipack. I have included the booklet design here anyhow.

The Milk Pipes’ self-titled “Harley” CD utilized a close-up photo of the lead singer’s motorcycle. For the interior, the guitarist called me up after practice and told me he’d been playing so hard his string broke, causing a cut to his hand, which continued to spray blood while playing (!!!). Of course, after practice they took photos of his guitar and these were used for the interior graphics.

I created their logo from the font they requested.

A closer look:

CD package layout design, photo editing